The Department if Health has advised Measles is currently circulating NSW. For more information you can check the link provided below, if you are concerned about the health of your child then visit your GP.

Gosford Family Day Care Policy Reviews will be on hold until the new Children’s Services Regulations come into effect in January 2012. If you have any questions regarding the upcoming changes, including the changes to National Standards, the National Quality Framework, please ask your educator or contact the office.

If your educator is ill or taking leave, the Co-Ordination Unit will be able to find back up care arrangements with another carer for your child. Please contact Mel our Placement Officer who will assist you in finding a backup educator. Once an educator is found and you are calling, or time permitting meeting with, to confirm your details please ask the educator the arrangements of their fee schedules. Eg cost of care. If you find this care arrangement not to your satisfaction, do not hesitate to contact the Co- Ordination Unit. Please be mindful that each educator is self employed and therefore their fee schedules will also differ.

Our MyTime groups provide facilitated local support for mums, dads, grandparents and anyone caring for children with a disability, developmental delay or chronic medical condition. We currently operate 3 groups per week with regular workshops covering relevant issues that parents may be experiencing. The workshops are presented in partnership with Northcott Disability Services and are extremely worthwhile. If you feel your family or a family you may know may benefit from the MyTime program please contact the office for further details.

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